Intuitive Coaching 101–Affirmations Work if…

I go back and forth with the practice of saying affirmations. On one hand, I don’t believe glossing over darker emotions since they point us to destructive patterns working our subconscious. However, the real practice of saying affirmations brings up the darkness so we shed light upon it. However, if affirmations are not bringing theContinue reading “Intuitive Coaching 101–Affirmations Work if…”

Intuitive Coaching 101–The Resonance Diet–Food & Frequencies

As each of us moves up the vibration dial and explores new frequencies, our tastes for foods changes. We may find that we can no longer tolerate a restrictive vegan diet and add free-range meats sparingly to our diet. Or we might find that we want to live more lightly and opt for the veganContinue reading “Intuitive Coaching 101–The Resonance Diet–Food & Frequencies”

Intuitive Coaching 101: don’t Allow Anyone to ride on your coattails

When I channel these messages they are pointed at me as well as, anyone reading this post. As teachers and healers, we were taught enabling behavior. Or we get caught in our egos, basking in the light of someone needing us. But in truth, no one needs us and when we allow others to needContinue reading “Intuitive Coaching 101: don’t Allow Anyone to ride on your coattails”

Whole Astrology–The Neptune Effect

For most people, especially people not practicing mindfulness, Neptune plays like pop music in the background. Neptune plays the role of a trend-setter as it transits in a single sign for around 13 years. It is also a generational marker much like Pluto which also stays in a single sign for around 13 to 20Continue reading “Whole Astrology–The Neptune Effect”

Intuitive 101–Advice vs. Inner Guidance

Last August I had a session with channel Frank Butterfield (Communion of Light). He said many shocking things to me. Frank told me to stop following other people’s advice and follow my own inner wisdom. He said that I was already a Master Manifestor, even though I could not take those words to heart atContinue reading “Intuitive 101–Advice vs. Inner Guidance”

Intuitive Coaching 101–Wisdom Round up for July 2016

Synchronicity is the thread that ties us all together into the cosmic collective. Synchronicity has played a huge role this summer for me. When I ask a question, the answer pops up for me on a blog or a YouTube video. So I’m going to share some of the wisdom gems that have popped upContinue reading “Intuitive Coaching 101–Wisdom Round up for July 2016”

Intuitive Coaching 101–The Path is Always Thorny So…

When I was in my 20s, I mixed and matched spiritual practices, thinking myself clever and wise.  While I enjoyed the bliss of venturing on a new spiritual path, I had little staying power, especially when the thorns on the path started appearing.  Ditto for any kind of therapy I ventured into.  This quilt-like spiritualityContinue reading “Intuitive Coaching 101–The Path is Always Thorny So…”