Astrology’s Role With Spiritual Awakening

Even though on the surface, astrology has been used as a form of entertainment as in with the daily horoscopes, there is a scientific element to astrology. However, during the era of the Spiritualists, magazine horoscopes were invented. And then astrology came to the masses but in a way horoscopes discredited to astrology.

True astrology involves delving into the intricacies of eight planets and two luminaries (Sun and Moon) and expert astrologers often work with narratives and archetypes found in Natal and transit charts. Just like other spiritual practices have been hyped by the media and oversimplified in a user-friendly fashion to appeal to the masses, astrology loses its ability to transform lives and assist in the awakening of humanity when it’s watered down.

And what I mean by that is people using astrology to predict when they will meet their next intimate partner, land that dream job or buy a house. And this means that the person isn’t delving into the deeper wounds that require their attention. And if their soul has chosen to awaken in this lifetime then they missed out on the astrological keys to unlock their soul blueprint.

When I launched my astrology practice in 2012, most of my clients at that time were interested in their partnerships or finances. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, their partnerships were riddled with quagmires and their financial situations were attached to psychic wounds the clients refused to address. They just wanted a victim narrative about how Pluto in Capricorn was destroying their marriages and finances.

But that’s not even the true story of a Pluto transit. Pluto digs into our subconscious terrain where we hide our beliefs and family patterns. Similar to Chiron, Pluto opens a treasure chest of wounds and the dark stuff we don’t want to face. But if we muster the courage and face our issues, we empower ourselves. Yes, Pluto grants us power.

And it’s like that too with Uranus and Neptune. If we glean the lessons these planets are teaching us through the transits forming aspects with our Natal Planets, we gain mastery. And this is something expert astrologers and astrology coaches offer to clients. They act as the midwives to a massive rebirth that can lead to a collective consciousness expanding into the light. While it’s fascinating for an individual to have his or her own spiritual awakening, what good is that if everyone else is still asleep?

I do find it encouraging to see the number of followers who flock to the expert astrologers on YouTube. And these astrologers are promoting spiritual awakening. But of course, not all astrologers do that because some of them take the easier route which is to promise riches and fame; dreams coming true to seduce more followers to their channels.

Photo by Cliford Mervil on

But in the end, astrologers are only reporting the planetary transits with their interpretation tagged on to it. Astrologers are not magical beings who wave a magic wand and grant their clients’ wishes. What would even be the point of that? Awakening is something you earn lifetime after lifetime of doing the inner work.

However, an astrologer who is worth every penny gives their client the tools for them to use for their awakening. And those tools come in the form of understanding the Chironic or Plutonic journey. Those tools come in the form of the client finding a team of professionals, including a mental health counselor or an addiction counselor when undergoing Pluto or Neptune transits to their Sun, Moon, Ascendant or nodes.

And with more astrologers playing the role of the soul midwife, it’s possible that astrology paves the way for spiritual awakening. Right now is the perfect opportunity with Pluto in Aquarius marking the beginning of a new age. Neptune is in the culmination degrees before it leaves its sign Pisces and begins a new cycle in Aries. Meanwhile, Uranus is having us question our values and the values of society as it crashes the financial markets (in Taurus).

Whether we choose to become conscious or not, the planets are always working on our behalf. We are never victims of a planetary transit. It’s true that we might have to spend time alone finding ourselves rather than become a part of a dream partnership or work at that career we have dreamed about our entire life. But the irony is that once you do that inner work you can manifest that dream partnership or job and you won’t even want it when it arrives. That was your ego’s wishes and not your soul’s evolution.

So, next time you think that astrology is superficial and plays no role in the spiritual awakening of the planet, think again. Astrology is meaningful and a huge player as we enter the Aquarius Age and in fact, the Aquarius Age was thought up by astrologers in the first place. But if you’re looking at astrological prediction through the lens of horoscopes or card readers using astrology as part of their practice, then good luck.

Photo by Thomas Brenac on

The best things in life aren’t free. If you want to live a more meaningful life then hiring an expert astrologer will give you the tools to build that life. There’s a saying that you get what you pay for. But even the best expert astrology videos on YouTube are still a form of entertainment. That’s because only receiving personalized readings will fully address your unique life path and lessons.

For instance, I spent years reading astrology tomes (books by the astrologers who provide research and historic references), but it was getting personal readings that helped me delve into the deepest parts of myself.

By supporting this blog, you recognize the decades of astrological practice that went into this article. You recognize that I’ve been working with clients since 2012. And you find these articles useful and at least worth the price of a designer coffee drink. And you help me pay my bills so that I can write and post more articles which by the way, are 100% human generated.

If I receive support from this blog, I can engage with astrological research by spending the time on historic charts. Without those funds, I’m not able to do this work. There are no grants for astrologers.

Published by pnwauthor

I'm a former Washingtonian from Washington State. I currently reside in Pennsylvania, even though my dream was to live and work in Vermont. I'm returning to Washington the summer of 2024. I enjoy writing travel pieces, sharing photographs, and sharing my views about challenging situations I find myself enduring.

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