
spring walk 064-mod


$200 for 60-minute reading

$100 for a 30-minute reading

Are You Ready to Empower Yourself and Become a Sovereign Being?

Hello and welcome to the Aquarius Age! As every other aspect of our lives are undergoing radical change and transformation, so is astrology.

I began my professional practice in 2012–the year the Mayan calendar ended. My first readings were focused on intimate partnerships, career, and children (pediatric astrology). I did in-person chart readings or I produced 8-page reports. Then with the arrival of Zoom and MP3 recording devices, I focused on sending recordings to clients or Zoom meetings.

Since 2020, I trained as a life coach, a Reiki Master, a sound therapist, and I even dipped my toes into Galactic Astrology. I also discovered that it’s not helpful if I’m sharing the transits in a natal chart with a client without sharing tools to break through the patterns.

My astrology practice is unique because I feel each of the 10 planets in my body. When I view your chart I pick up psychic images and sensations using clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc. Similar to other astrologers, I provide life coaching with a focus on your self-development and overcoming obstacles by using the power and energies of the transits. In short, I combine intuitive, mundane, and evolutionary astrology to serve your highest soul blueprint.

I bought a set of Planetary Tuning Forks in 2021 which I combine with the 60-minute astrology sessions and the coaching packages. In addition, I’m offering private astrology lessons for those of you wishing to learn how to read your own chart and the charts of your friends.

New Package: Private astrology lessons with me via Zoom. I might also include MP3 recordings. In this course we’ll start with the basics as a refresher or if you’re new to astrology as your foundation. We will then read your Natal Chart and the charts of key historic people as a way to learn the ways astrology shapes our destiny.

Fee for the Course is $500 for five 60-minute lessons, take home materials and one free 30 minute session as a course follow up. I’m offering the course at $450 until the end of April 2024

Package #1: These Zoom calls (or phone calls) explore your Natal Chart planets, aspects, and themes. I also teach basic and intermediate astrology as we explore your chart so that you will understand the ways planetary transits impact you presently and in the future. We also explore your unique soul blueprint.

I combine coaching, astrological interpretation, and teaching. This package is designed for personal development combined with astrology lessons. It includes four 1-hour sessions and a free bonus 30-minute session that is a follow-up to check the progress of the client-student. The package is *$700 (paid in advance or $150 payment received prior to each scheduled session. This package can be spread out over a 6-month period. Once all the sessions are completed, we schedule your free 30-minute session.

Package #2: With this package we zero in the prominent outer planets or transpersonal planet transit that affects you long-term. Are you experiencing a Pluto, Uranus, or Neptune transit to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant? Or do you have a cluster of planets impacted by Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn or early degrees of Aquarius. Or do you have Natal planets in the final degrees of Pisces and early degrees of Aries?

I combine coaching, astrological interpretation, energy-healing (including sound therapy) and other modalities to help relieve stress that comes up with the more challenging transits. We also explore the Dark Night of the Soul and other cycles that come up with challenging planetary transits.

This package also contains four 1-hour sessions and one free bonus 30-minute session which is a follow up to see your progress with the transits.

Sound Therapy and Astrology Sessions

I’m introducing a new service that combines sound healing with astrology. With the help of planetary tuning forks we are able to unleash the power of your Natal planets. We can unlock T-Crosses and Grand Squares by using the planetary forks of your flowing aspects. This service is only available as a 60-minute session with the sound healing happening during the last 30-minutes of the session.

(I might include Reiki energy and crystals too. It depends on the client and the issue).

Natal Chart of Transit Chart with Tapping (Not Available At This Time)

For this 60-minute session, we explore either your natal or transit chart and delve into false beliefs or destructive patterns. We do rounds of Tapping to resolve beliefs keeping you stuck. We look at the dynamics of squares, oppositions, and yods or other challenging aspects.

Then we explore the affirmative aspects in your natal chart (if the reading is for the natal chart) which bring gifts and opportunities.

This combo is $200 because it includes Tapping and is more in depth.

Other single readings

Solar Return Chart $100 for 30-minutes or $200 for 60-minutes

Light and Shadow Chart $100 30-minutes and $200 60-minutes

Solstice Chart $100 30-minutes

Book your appointment below and send payment 24 hours prior to your session.

And single sessions are still available at the following fees.

The 60-minute session is $200

The 30-minute session is $100

If you are not able to Zoom, I offer MP3 recordings sent to your email box. However, there is an extra fee of $25 per hour of editing the audio file.



Disclaimer: Please combine and use this metaphysical exploration in alignment with any medical or psychological work you receive from medical professionals. I’m not a medical doctor or psychologist so I do not diagnose or prescribe and any medical insights gleaned from a reading must be interpreted with discernment on the client’s behalf.

The client will not hold me responsible for their interpretation of the insights or potential practices or action plans that come up in the session. It is the client’s responsibility to follow up with a medical doctor or psychological professional, legal or financial advisor due to the insights that appear in the reading. 

Privacy Statement: I only keep astrological natal charts and notes of clients for one week after giving a reading.  After one week, I delete the charts from my account with and my computer.  I respect your privacy.

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“I will begin with my first impression… Wow! This is so accurate in terms of my intentions for this year and many of this has already happened or is in motion. 

This report is thorough, validating, and invigorating. The insight into the aspects I was unaware of is huge. I will need some time to process all of this. I may reach out in a few days with questions and more feedback. 

I appreciate your passion and authenticity. It is clear to me that you are well-versed in astrology, writing, and communication in general.

Thank you for supporting me on my journey. Your skills are a blessing in my life.”

–Client Marie-Louise, Canada

“Patricia is a very competent and versatile astrologer but her fortes are transformational astrology and pediatric astrology.  Few astrologers can handle pediatric astrology with sensitivity as by it’s very nature it deals with young persons in their formative years but Patricia has the maturity to specialize in this subject. Patricia has much life experience which makes her a wise and confident astrologer.”

–Jane Ritson, Certified Psychological  Astrologer, England

“I have hired Patricia to perform astrological readings for my three children and myself. I have found the readings to be insightful, informative, and uncannily accurate. She obviously puts a lot of time and passion into each reading and possesses a certain intuition that guides her well. I have recommended her services to family and friends.”–Sara Young

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