Give the Gift of Animal Communication to Your Pet

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Photo by Toni Cuenca on

When I’m out walking in the neighborhood or visiting a dog-friendly hardware store, dogs approach me hoping for a communication session. They give me the same look that they would for someone holding a cookie in their hand. It’s an eager look that I don’t wish to reward with disappointment.

However, it’s unethical for me to communicate with someone’s pet without permission from the animal’s guardian. This is because they have their own bond and even karmic ties. It’s a delicate situation in which I would love to converse with the dog and unfortunately not everyone is open to animal communication; not everyone believes it’s a real thing.

So, here is a list of why your dog (or other pet) enjoys an animal communication session. And why for dogs, it is at the top of their favorite things to do list which also includes eating, cookies, and walks.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

  1. They have grievances or worries they would like to get off their chest.

Just like us humans, animals carry concerns which feel like burdens to them. And since most people don’t know how to communicate telepathically with their pets, they play the guessing game in regard to their pet’s unusual behaviors or sullen moods.

An animal communicator comes in and cuts to the chase. And once that’s accomplished, the guardian will know what are the next best steps into resolving their pet’s concerns.

2. Our Pets Want to Teach Us about Nature and Their Species.

Have you ever wanted to go deep within the realm of other species? Were you like me as a child and you wanted so desperately to know what your pet was thinking? Or maybe you wanted to delve into the mysteries of the natural world.

By opening up to a communication session with your pet, you bring in an interpreter of your pet’s thoughts and feelings no matter his or her species. Most animal communicators can converse with multiple species because telepathy doesn’t exactly distinguish between them. It’s all vibration interpreted into words, images, and feelings. However, the guardian can ask questions specific to their pet’s species.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

3. Animal Communication Helps Vets Solve Mystery Illnesses.

Although not many vets at this time are on board with animal communication, when they are open to it, the communicator can feel into the animal’s body and describe sensations to the vet. This can help the vet to zero on the part of the animal’s body causing the concern. It would be ideal if there were more partnering with vets and animal communicators. Perhaps, in the future this will occur. I haven’t given up hope.

4. The Animal is Delighted to Be Heard and Acknowledged.

While our pets enjoy our praise when they do something that is agreeable to us, they would also enjoy having their deepest thoughts and feelings acknowledged by us. I remember when I walked the foster dog and I practiced telepathy on him. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was successful or not. Then one day he gazed at with a gleam in his eyes and I knew he heard my thoughts.

I also used images in my thoughts of us going for a walk without saying the words, “Do You Want to Go for a Walk?” Or I would only think those words silently, and he grew excited as he knew we were going for a walk. I’m sure he felt deeply acknowledge.

I tear up remembering those times of bonding with him since he is no longer walking upon the Earth.

Photo By Patricia Herlevi

5. Communication of a Pet’s Dying Wishes.

Many guardians bring their pets or companion animals to an animal communicator when the pet’s end of life is approaching. But this can also happen when the human’s end of life is approaching and they want to help the pet with this passage.

I noticed that humans don’t even want to discuss their own death with other humans. But animals live a much shorter life unless we’re talking about a tropical bird which can outlive most humans. It’s important to make these arrangements ahead of time or we become confused when we are in the midst of anguish and grief at the time of death.

While animals live in the moment they are also wise when it comes to the end of their life approaching. They might have specific directions of what to do such as they might be okay with being euthanized if they’re in pain.

Or they might wish to stay alive longer to make any amends or for other types of closure with their loved ones. They might have a specific place in the woods where they would like to be buried. Or they might wish for you to be with them when they die. In contrast to that, they might wish to die alone.

An animal communicator, although not their favorite job, can interpret the pet’s wishes for the end of his or her life. Make sure that you are consulting with an experienced animal communicator and not a dabbler because this is an important decision that you want to get right. Their are no rehearsals for a good passing to the other side.


Photo By Patricia Herlevi

While it’s possible to sample animal communicators in practice groups on social media, for best results it’s a good idea to hire and pay a professional animal communicator. Sign up for a full session with coaching options. Some animal communicators also combine energy-healing such as Reiki.

As animal communicators, we go into this profession as a leap of faith. It’s not the easiest profession to make a living but we know that we make a difference in helping guardians bond deeply with their animal companions. And some of us will even teach the guardians basic animal communication skills they can use everyday with their animal friend.

If you enjoyed reading this article and found it educational or entertaining, please support this blog. I’m a human and not a robot generating content and then providing it to enrich your life. Thank you for your kind donation and allowing me to pay my bills and to feed myself. It’s either I make money from my talents and skills or I live off your tax dollars. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

Published by pnwauthor

I'm a former Washingtonian from Washington State. I currently reside in Pennsylvania, even though my dream was to live and work in Vermont. I'm returning to Washington the summer of 2024. I enjoy writing travel pieces, sharing photographs, and sharing my views about challenging situations I find myself enduring.

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