How to Compassionately Receive and Give Help

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Your friend comes to you with a problem. Instead of listening to your friend’s needs, you rattle off a list of numbers they can call. The friend becomes frustrated and even resentful towards you. What happened? You thought you were helping your friend. But perhaps, you were causing more harm.

We’ve all been there struggling with a frustrating or painful situation. We call a friend only to feel unheard and treated like we’re too stupid for words. Not only are we feeling the pain of our situation but now we’re experiencing a blow to our self-esteem. And not only that, there are times when a friend or colleague gives us unsolicited advice that oozes with control or a power struggle behind it.

So, what are some steps we can take so that either we feel heard when we’re asking for help or we would like to help another without toppling over the applecart?

Ask For Specific Needs

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When someone presents us with a problem, ask them if they just want an ear to bend (someone to listen to them so they feel heard), or that they want financial assistance or a place to stay if they are in between homes? You can also ask if they are looking for advice or phone numbers to call for help. Perhaps, they need a referral to a colleague.

If you’re the one asking, preface your ask with what your needs are. “I’m not seeking advice or phone referral numbers. I’m seeking someone to listen to me and to not give me advice.” Or, “I’m seeking specific advice.”

Set a Time Limit

If your friend is looking for someone to hear and acknowledge them, tell them that you have 15 or 30 minutes to meet with them. The reason you set a time limit is that listening to someone else explore their struggles can be draining. And if they go on beyond the time that you can actually manage, you’ll become frustrated and start telling them to call a list of phone numbers (even though they didn’t ask for phone numbers).

And if you’re the person asking for help, also set a time limit. This is so that your friend doesn’t start telling you their life story during a time when you’re in a crisis and need to act quickly. I’ve had this happen to me. After the phone conversation, I ran out of time to call someone else for help. This left me in a more dire situation.

Never Give Unsolicited Advice

Photo by Samantha Garrote on

No one enjoys receiving unsolicited advice because the person giving it is usually using control and manipulation. They feel superior to the person they are giving the unwanted advice too. It gives off an air of, “I know what’s good for you…” And it might even trigger issues the person has with parents.

It’s better to ask your friend if they want advice. They might want advice but not from you because they prefer to get advice from an objective expert. And if you push unwanted advice on someone, you might end up contradicting the advice they received from an expert which leads to confusion for them.

Don’t Turn the Situation into Expected Reciprocity

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

It’s wise not to keep a list of all the times you helped others and then expect payment in return at some point. If you can’t help without strings attached then it’s best not to help at all. The reason for this is resentment builds if you gave money or helped someone out and then they happily go on their own way.

You might try to control how they spend their money and time because you believe they owe you something in return. This type of thinking destroys friendships because unconditional friendship isn’t a barter and exchange. It’s not tit for tat.

And if you realize that, when you require help know that the Universe will provide you with the help that you require but it won’t necessarily come from the people you helped in the past. It seldom ever does.

Just because someone doesn’t return a favor in the future doesn’t mean they are selfish. They might be busy getting their life back on track. And once their life is back on track, they are busy maintaining that balance. If you set them free to live their life, then they might surprise you down the road with a thank you gift or think of you for an opportunity that arises that is a win-win situation.

But if you hold a grudge, your energy field repels them and they feel uncomfortable approaching you. Or you have sucked them dry with energetic cords laced with toxic resentment.

If you are the recipient of the help, write up a contract with your friend and tell them that when you get yourself settled, you’ll pay them back the money they loaned you a little at a time. You could even set up a monthly plan.

Help Set Up Crowd Funding

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If you’re unable to help a friend or a colleague out financially, tell them up front. Most people are gracious about this. Help them set up a crowd funding campaign and maybe donate a small amount such as $5 to get the campaign started. Help with admin for the campaign and even generate ideas of how to raise the funds your friend requires. This way no one owes anyone after the crisis ends.


Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

It’s true that empathic people are true givers. And their ability to give blesses the world if they stay open to rewards showing up from odd places. And if we find that we suffer from resentment when we give to others or we try to control how we give and how the other person receives our gift (whether that is time, attention, or money) then we block a flow of abundance. We also block true friendship from continuing.

Yes, there are people in the world who use others and that’s where discernment comes in. But we can also see how our help has allowed another person to flourish. Now, I’m not talking about co-dependent relationships. That’s something for a mental health therapist to address. And if you are constantly involved in co-dependent situations, then get help from a mental health counselor.

At the moment, many people are losing jobs, homes, and relationships. They often need a shoulder to cry on or they need to raise money or find a new job. It’s not uncommon that you encounter friends in need or be one yourself. However, be specific in your needs and know that with the help from a community you can handle any situation on your path. Hopefully, people don’t placate you by plying you with a list of phone numbers that send you on an endless loop to nowhere.

PS Most social services and churches have run out of funds and are unable to help anyone. Mental health programs usually have long waiting lists. And sending a friend to a homeless shelter places them in danger. With high housing costs, a drug epidemic sweeping across the US and the world, and mental health challenges, it’s best to prevent friends and colleagues from drowning in a system that no longer functions properly.

Disclaimer: I’m not a mental health professional. If you find yourself struggling emotionally or mentally, please seek help from a mental health professional or at least get your name on a waiting list. The advice in this article is meant for informational purposes only and it’s information that I learned along the way when I needed to receive help or when I gave help to others.

Dog Breeds For Beginners

Although YouTube and social media plies us with videos featuring working dog breeds, none of those breeds are easy to train or to live with, at least not for the first-time pet guardian. So, as much as you love seeing huskies, German shepherds, border collies and German shorthaired pointer on YouTube channels, save yourself the heartache of surrendering one of those breeds to a shelter. Be easier on yourself by adopting a chill dog breed.

So what are the best dog breeds for prospective and new pet owners? (Note, I prefer pet guardian because I don’t like the idea of owning another creature).

Cocker spaniel and Cavalier King Charles spaniel

Photo by Johann on

The downside to adopting one of these adorable dogs is that they are overbred. This overbreeding can lead to health issues for the dogs and frustration for you. So, opt for a mixed breed that has spaniel in it. Unlike the springer spaniel which is a working dog, the cocker spaniel and the CKC spaniel were originally bred as companion or lapdogs.

While you won’t need to give the dogs as much exercise as a working dog breed, you still need to take them for walks and give them mental stimulation. They are also small enough that you can take them to dog-friendly businesses with you. They possess a sweet temperament and with proper training, you shouldn’t have too many behavior issues to contend with.

While they possess easier temperament, they still could rack up vet and grooming bills. There are often problems with the ears and the eyes so if you do purchase a pure bred dog, make sure that you only do some from a reputable breeder with a high level of ethics and integrity.

Beagle and Basset Hound

Photo by Michael Morse on

Technically, these two breeds fall into the hound dog category and they were originally bred for hunting. But the basset hound is as mellow as they come. They’re another sweet tempered dog and yes, they do need to go for walks and enjoy mental stimulation. You’re not going to end up with a high-energy breed that bounces off the walls and destroys you house when you’re away.

The beagle on the other hand, has been called a lifetime puppy. Even when they’re seniors they still have joy in their steps. They love to bay as opposed to barking which some people find adorable. Beagles are energetic and curious so he or she might get into stuff they shouldn’t. They can also be chewers so make sure you hire a breeder, socialize the beagle and set boundaries.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

You’ll also need to hide your food in a locked space. Beagles have even been known to climb onto counters and open cabinets, raid garbage cans and open refrigerators as they are truly passionate about consuming food. This is why you see obese beagles. Keep the junk food away from them and make sure they are receiving 2 or 3 good walks a day. Tire them out for best results.

However, beagles are kind, affectionate, and loyal companions. They have a short coat so they need little in the way of grooming. And you can do a good deed by adopting a beagle that has been part of a rescue project.

Golden Retriever

Photo by Svetozar Milashevich on

Obviously, this is a larger breed dog with tons of fur so if you don’t like vacuuming fur or wearing it on your clothing, this might not be the breed for you. You will also need to spend time and effort putting the GR through training and socializing. And this breed requires mental stimulation and playtime. Make sure they are receiving adequate exercise or you could end up with a crazy dog.

However, besides the effort for training, socializing and the grooming bills, the Golden Retriever is among the most affectionate dog breeds. You can also opt for a mixed breed, but stay away from the overbred doodles. Doodles are actually high-maintenance dogs. You’re better off getting a lab-golden retriever mix, especially if you enjoy outdoor recreation and sports with dogs.

Boston Terrier (go with a Boston Terrier mix)

Photo by SHVETS production on

Due to overbreeding of this popular dog breed, look for a mix breed so that you don’t adopt or purchase a dog with serious health issues. It’s unfortunate, that this is one of the flat faced dogs that has been bred to the point that the dogs experience breathing difficulties and other health issues.

However, they are a low maintenance breed. That still means you need to train and socialize the dog, but you won’t have to spend money on grooming. And shorter walks will suffice, compared to a German shorthaired pointer or border collie who need to go for three vigorous walks and a good run each day.

Other breeds to consider are the Havanese, the toy or standard poodle, and papillon.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I’m an animal communicator and life coach for prospective and new pet owners. If you would like coaching for your success as a pet guardian or someone to talk with your pet, sign up for a session with me.

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Astrology’s Role With Spiritual Awakening

Even though on the surface, astrology has been used as a form of entertainment as in with the daily horoscopes, there is a scientific element to astrology. However, during the era of the Spiritualists, magazine horoscopes were invented. And then astrology came to the masses but in a way horoscopes discredited to astrology.

True astrology involves delving into the intricacies of eight planets and two luminaries (Sun and Moon) and expert astrologers often work with narratives and archetypes found in Natal and transit charts. Just like other spiritual practices have been hyped by the media and oversimplified in a user-friendly fashion to appeal to the masses, astrology loses its ability to transform lives and assist in the awakening of humanity when it’s watered down.

And what I mean by that is people using astrology to predict when they will meet their next intimate partner, land that dream job or buy a house. And this means that the person isn’t delving into the deeper wounds that require their attention. And if their soul has chosen to awaken in this lifetime then they missed out on the astrological keys to unlock their soul blueprint.

When I launched my astrology practice in 2012, most of my clients at that time were interested in their partnerships or finances. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, their partnerships were riddled with quagmires and their financial situations were attached to psychic wounds the clients refused to address. They just wanted a victim narrative about how Pluto in Capricorn was destroying their marriages and finances.

But that’s not even the true story of a Pluto transit. Pluto digs into our subconscious terrain where we hide our beliefs and family patterns. Similar to Chiron, Pluto opens a treasure chest of wounds and the dark stuff we don’t want to face. But if we muster the courage and face our issues, we empower ourselves. Yes, Pluto grants us power.

And it’s like that too with Uranus and Neptune. If we glean the lessons these planets are teaching us through the transits forming aspects with our Natal Planets, we gain mastery. And this is something expert astrologers and astrology coaches offer to clients. They act as the midwives to a massive rebirth that can lead to a collective consciousness expanding into the light. While it’s fascinating for an individual to have his or her own spiritual awakening, what good is that if everyone else is still asleep?

I do find it encouraging to see the number of followers who flock to the expert astrologers on YouTube. And these astrologers are promoting spiritual awakening. But of course, not all astrologers do that because some of them take the easier route which is to promise riches and fame; dreams coming true to seduce more followers to their channels.

Photo by Cliford Mervil on

But in the end, astrologers are only reporting the planetary transits with their interpretation tagged on to it. Astrologers are not magical beings who wave a magic wand and grant their clients’ wishes. What would even be the point of that? Awakening is something you earn lifetime after lifetime of doing the inner work.

However, an astrologer who is worth every penny gives their client the tools for them to use for their awakening. And those tools come in the form of understanding the Chironic or Plutonic journey. Those tools come in the form of the client finding a team of professionals, including a mental health counselor or an addiction counselor when undergoing Pluto or Neptune transits to their Sun, Moon, Ascendant or nodes.

And with more astrologers playing the role of the soul midwife, it’s possible that astrology paves the way for spiritual awakening. Right now is the perfect opportunity with Pluto in Aquarius marking the beginning of a new age. Neptune is in the culmination degrees before it leaves its sign Pisces and begins a new cycle in Aries. Meanwhile, Uranus is having us question our values and the values of society as it crashes the financial markets (in Taurus).

Whether we choose to become conscious or not, the planets are always working on our behalf. We are never victims of a planetary transit. It’s true that we might have to spend time alone finding ourselves rather than become a part of a dream partnership or work at that career we have dreamed about our entire life. But the irony is that once you do that inner work you can manifest that dream partnership or job and you won’t even want it when it arrives. That was your ego’s wishes and not your soul’s evolution.

So, next time you think that astrology is superficial and plays no role in the spiritual awakening of the planet, think again. Astrology is meaningful and a huge player as we enter the Aquarius Age and in fact, the Aquarius Age was thought up by astrologers in the first place. But if you’re looking at astrological prediction through the lens of horoscopes or card readers using astrology as part of their practice, then good luck.

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The best things in life aren’t free. If you want to live a more meaningful life then hiring an expert astrologer will give you the tools to build that life. There’s a saying that you get what you pay for. But even the best expert astrology videos on YouTube are still a form of entertainment. That’s because only receiving personalized readings will fully address your unique life path and lessons.

For instance, I spent years reading astrology tomes (books by the astrologers who provide research and historic references), but it was getting personal readings that helped me delve into the deepest parts of myself.

By supporting this blog, you recognize the decades of astrological practice that went into this article. You recognize that I’ve been working with clients since 2012. And you find these articles useful and at least worth the price of a designer coffee drink. And you help me pay my bills so that I can write and post more articles which by the way, are 100% human generated.

If I receive support from this blog, I can engage with astrological research by spending the time on historic charts. Without those funds, I’m not able to do this work. There are no grants for astrologers.

Give the Gift of Animal Communication to Your Pet

Please support this blog. I’m a human and not a robot generating content. I’m providing it to enrich your life. Thank you for your kind donation and allowing me to pay my bills and to feed myself. It’s either I make money from my talents and skills or I live off your tax dollars. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

Photo by Toni Cuenca on

When I’m out walking in the neighborhood or visiting a dog-friendly hardware store, dogs approach me hoping for a communication session. They give me the same look that they would for someone holding a cookie in their hand. It’s an eager look that I don’t wish to reward with disappointment.

However, it’s unethical for me to communicate with someone’s pet without permission from the animal’s guardian. This is because they have their own bond and even karmic ties. It’s a delicate situation in which I would love to converse with the dog and unfortunately not everyone is open to animal communication; not everyone believes it’s a real thing.

So, here is a list of why your dog (or other pet) enjoys an animal communication session. And why for dogs, it is at the top of their favorite things to do list which also includes eating, cookies, and walks.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

  1. They have grievances or worries they would like to get off their chest.

Just like us humans, animals carry concerns which feel like burdens to them. And since most people don’t know how to communicate telepathically with their pets, they play the guessing game in regard to their pet’s unusual behaviors or sullen moods.

An animal communicator comes in and cuts to the chase. And once that’s accomplished, the guardian will know what are the next best steps into resolving their pet’s concerns.

2. Our Pets Want to Teach Us about Nature and Their Species.

Have you ever wanted to go deep within the realm of other species? Were you like me as a child and you wanted so desperately to know what your pet was thinking? Or maybe you wanted to delve into the mysteries of the natural world.

By opening up to a communication session with your pet, you bring in an interpreter of your pet’s thoughts and feelings no matter his or her species. Most animal communicators can converse with multiple species because telepathy doesn’t exactly distinguish between them. It’s all vibration interpreted into words, images, and feelings. However, the guardian can ask questions specific to their pet’s species.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

3. Animal Communication Helps Vets Solve Mystery Illnesses.

Although not many vets at this time are on board with animal communication, when they are open to it, the communicator can feel into the animal’s body and describe sensations to the vet. This can help the vet to zero on the part of the animal’s body causing the concern. It would be ideal if there were more partnering with vets and animal communicators. Perhaps, in the future this will occur. I haven’t given up hope.

4. The Animal is Delighted to Be Heard and Acknowledged.

While our pets enjoy our praise when they do something that is agreeable to us, they would also enjoy having their deepest thoughts and feelings acknowledged by us. I remember when I walked the foster dog and I practiced telepathy on him. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was successful or not. Then one day he gazed at with a gleam in his eyes and I knew he heard my thoughts.

I also used images in my thoughts of us going for a walk without saying the words, “Do You Want to Go for a Walk?” Or I would only think those words silently, and he grew excited as he knew we were going for a walk. I’m sure he felt deeply acknowledge.

I tear up remembering those times of bonding with him since he is no longer walking upon the Earth.

Photo By Patricia Herlevi

5. Communication of a Pet’s Dying Wishes.

Many guardians bring their pets or companion animals to an animal communicator when the pet’s end of life is approaching. But this can also happen when the human’s end of life is approaching and they want to help the pet with this passage.

I noticed that humans don’t even want to discuss their own death with other humans. But animals live a much shorter life unless we’re talking about a tropical bird which can outlive most humans. It’s important to make these arrangements ahead of time or we become confused when we are in the midst of anguish and grief at the time of death.

While animals live in the moment they are also wise when it comes to the end of their life approaching. They might have specific directions of what to do such as they might be okay with being euthanized if they’re in pain.

Or they might wish to stay alive longer to make any amends or for other types of closure with their loved ones. They might have a specific place in the woods where they would like to be buried. Or they might wish for you to be with them when they die. In contrast to that, they might wish to die alone.

An animal communicator, although not their favorite job, can interpret the pet’s wishes for the end of his or her life. Make sure that you are consulting with an experienced animal communicator and not a dabbler because this is an important decision that you want to get right. Their are no rehearsals for a good passing to the other side.


Photo By Patricia Herlevi

While it’s possible to sample animal communicators in practice groups on social media, for best results it’s a good idea to hire and pay a professional animal communicator. Sign up for a full session with coaching options. Some animal communicators also combine energy-healing such as Reiki.

As animal communicators, we go into this profession as a leap of faith. It’s not the easiest profession to make a living but we know that we make a difference in helping guardians bond deeply with their animal companions. And some of us will even teach the guardians basic animal communication skills they can use everyday with their animal friend.

If you enjoyed reading this article and found it educational or entertaining, please support this blog. I’m a human and not a robot generating content and then providing it to enrich your life. Thank you for your kind donation and allowing me to pay my bills and to feed myself. It’s either I make money from my talents and skills or I live off your tax dollars. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

Healthy Vegan Versus A Toxic Vegan Diet

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Veganism has received a bad rap for several reasons. But one of the arguments against vegan diets is based on the toxic processed food with the “vegan” label on it. But don’t dismay, if you avoid processed foods even processed “natural” foods, you can steer clear of toxic ingredients.

I’m not a certified or licensed nutritionist. Although I have researched nutrition for my own benefit, especially after switching to a mostly vegan diet in 2017. At first, I didn’t experience any health benefits from giving up dairy and eggs which showed up as positive on an allergy test. And then, eventually, I noticed some of the harmful ingredients in processed vegan foods. Alarm bells went off in my brain.

These foods included crackers, cookies, gluten-free bread (not always vegan), protein powders, and snack foods that touted the labels of natural and vegan. I noticed that meat substitutes (not that I eat these) included high-gluten content as well as other unhealthy ingredients such as overly processed soy. Other substitutes included modified starches, natural flavors (which could be MSG), and yeast extract (not to be confused with nutritional yeast which is actually healthy.

(Please note that not all soy is bad for you. Tofu, miso, and soy sauce or tamari are not unhealthy unless you are allergic to soy. Also stay clear of GMO soy).

Before choosing and consuming one of these meat or even cheese substitutes, go and look up the long list of ingredients used as flavor enhancers which are actually MSG with a different name. Look up the various gums and preservatives in the products. And also look up sugar content.

I bought a lentil snack which said that it was made with vinegar and salt, but when I looked at the ingredients on the back of the package I was disappointed to see, natural seasonings (MSG?), yeast extract and sugar. Why would I need any of those ingredients in a natural lentil snack? And if the seasoning is natural tell me what herbs and spices are included rather than using “natural seasoning” which could be MSG.

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I also learned years ago that preservatives which are used to prolong shelf life on products are actually irritating to your gut. Your digestive system has a harder time breaking down the foods with preservatives because it needs to work with bacteria in order to do that. And preservatives are anti-bacteria so preservatives are working against Mother Nature. That’s not to say that we want to eat moldy crackers and chips. There are natural preservatives such as vitamin E and rosemary among others that as far as I know, won’t interfere with the digestive process.

Non-Toxic Vegan

If you stay clear of the processed foods, you can actually afford to buy beans, nuts, grains (even gluten-free grains) in bulk. Try to purchase organic. You can also buy olive oil (I prefer California olive oil), salt, herbs and spices in bulk. If you aren’t in a hurry and not looking for convenience buy your beans and lentils dry and use a pressure cooker to cook them. (You can find pressure cookers available at thrift stores or in Facebook groups where people give belongings away).

Photo by Foodie Factor on

Pick up vegan recipe books at dollar stores, thrift stores or you might find them in free bins. This will give you ideas and inspiration from cooking meals from scratch. And visit your local farmers market, food coop, or natural grocery store to pick up organic produce. You can even find organic produce at Trader Joe’s (US) or Aldi’s in some cities (although Aldi’s isn’t located in the western half of the US).

Learn New Skills

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Learn how to use new types of pots and pans or a pressure cooker. Learn how to grow your own vegetables, fruits, and nuts. You can even grow your own beans. I met one person who was growing quinoa. Learn how to cook new kinds of grains and vegetables. And much of this can be accomplished by watching cooking shows on YouTube or picking up books at a public library.

Form a group of other vegans and vegetarians and meet once a month to exchange recipes or teach others how to work with medicinal mushrooms and to make your own pickles and sour kraut. If you have a big enough place, host a potluck and recipe exchange.


Don’t give veganism a bad name by consuming unhealthy products and then later saying that the vegan diet ruined your health. There are many long-term vegans who are healthy because they know how to cook from scratch, juice, and they refrain from other bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and experimenting with recreational drugs. They stay hydrated and exercise.

Also, you don’t have to adopt a vegan lifestyle to eat a vegan diet. You don’t need to change who you’re hanging around or wear shirts with “vegan” across your chest. You don’t need to make speeches or shame omnivores. But if you’re going to eat a vegan diet research unhealthy ingredients that food processors sneak into the food. And definitely stay clear of GMO ingredients.

Photo by Bruno Scramgnon on

I eat a mostly vegan diet despite suffering from IBS and other health issues. I’ve also ditched previous favorite snack foods after finding harmful ingredients in them. I’m a busy person but I have still figured out to cook quick meals from scratch that have helped me regain some of my energy back despite suffering from Lyme. And I’ve done all this on a tight budget.

It’s a matter of priority. Many of those flavor enhancers leave you craving food. You’ll never feel satisfied and you’ll end up on the treadmill of stuffing more processed foods into your body. Once you switch to whole foods (as in unprocessed food) you will curb your hunger and get your nutritional needs met. You will also learn how to cook artichoke or discover exotic fruit.

If I can do this, so can you.

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And if you have any recipes or tips please leave them in the comments.

How Does Animal Communication Work?

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With so many social media posts and YouTube videos about pet psychics, animal whisperers and animal communicators, you might wonder how it is even possible to communicate with other species.

When humans stumble over language barriers and have trouble communicating with one another, how is it that humans can communicate with non-humans? Are humans learning the language of dogs (barking, whining, or growling) or of cats (meowing)? The answer is no. Animal communicators are telepathic.

While animal communicators do pick up subtle cues with an animal’s body language and basics of animal behavior, animal communication when done correctly and within the tradition, revolves around telepathy and going into a meditative state or light trance.

Photo by Souvik Pradhan on

The first step is to receive the invitation or consent from the animal (or other species) to communicate with them. We often ask the animal for permission and ask them if they have any messages for us or for their pet guardian.

Next the communicator places themselves in a bubble of pink or white light and also places the animal in a bubble of light. This is to protect both the communicator and the animal from outside influences. Then the communicator will gaze into the animal’s eyes with the animal initiating the gaze (some animals prefer that you don’t look them in the eye because they feel that you are challenging them).

Photo by Javon Swaby on

The animal communicator then asks the first question and waits for a response from the animal. This response can come in the form of sensations in his or her body (the animal communicator), images coming through the third eye or words. It could come through as all three, depending on the communicator’s psychic gifts.

Once the animal communicator has the response and is able to articulate it, she/he conveys the message to the pet guardian. Then the pet guardian responds while offering more clues to the situation that unfolds during the communication session.

This goes on for 30 more more minutes until the communicator concludes the session and thanks the animal. She or he then releases the animal’s higher self and the light bubbles. It’s also a good idea to drink a glass of water to flush out any remaining energy from the animal. And give the animal a fresh water supply so he/she can do the same.

Photo by EVG Kowalievska on

The animal communicator either makes a recording of the session or does an outtake with the client (human). If it seems appropriate the communicator schedules a future session with the animal.

Most animal communicators work with photographs at this time although there are still a few that do home visits. We are concerned about our safety and liability issues. Some animals don’t like strangers coming into their homes and they might become defensive around their guardians, despite the animal communicator’s good intentions.

Animal communication can also be done via a phone call with the communication with the animal occurring with a photograph and the communicator relays the messages to the pet guardian over the phone or a Zoom call.

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on

Animal communication is possible with wild animals, zoo animals, sanctuary and farm animals as well as pets (which is how it’s normally used). Animal communicators sometimes work with shelter and foster animals. And some animal communicators specialize in finding missing pets while others who are also psychic mediums can communicate with animals who have died (as is the case with me). All species are open to communicating with humans who have good intentions and are humble.

Always approach the creature with respect.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Please either support this blog (which is all human-generated content) or sign up for a session with me. Thank you.